Prenatal Care

Boulder’s Only Freestanding Birth Center

Our team of skilled and compassionate midwives care for low-risk clients in an out-of-hospital setting right in the heart of Boulder, CO. Our midwives are intimately familiar with and deeply respect the physiologic processes of pregnancy and birth. We schedule longer appointment times to ensure that each family receives individualized and expert care, working together with the midwife team as active participants throughout the prenatal journey.

Prenatal Care with Boulder Birth & Holistic Health

  • We prioritize longer appointment times to ensure your needs are met, and will happily schedule additional visits as needed. Your clinic visit schedule will include:

    • Initial visit between 8-10 weeks (60 min)

    • Every 4 weeks until 28-32 weeks (30 min)

    • Every 2 weeks until 36 weeks (30 min)

    • Every week until birth (30-60 min)

    • Postpartum home visit between 24-48 hours (60-90 min, 30 minute drive radius)

    • Postpartum 1 week visit (60 min)

    • Postpartum 6 week visit (45 min)

  • We provide as many services as possible in-house for the convenience of our clients:

    • Routine labs drawn on site

    • Bedside ultrasounds for pregnancy confirmation, fetal position checks, and amniotic fluid measurements performed on site

    • Fetal non-stress tests performed on-site as needed

    • Clients will be referred out for imaging needs we cannot complete in-house, including the detailed anatomy scan performed at 20 weeks

  • Our midwives are passionate about providing labor support and are skilled in assessing and managing physiologic labor and birth. Each family will receive:

    • Management of and hands-on support during labor and birth at BBHH

    • Management of water birth, if desired

    • Two midwives present at each birth

    • Swift and appropriate management of labor and/or postpartum complications, as needed

    • Repair of perineum, if necessary

  • Midwives also enjoy offering early newborn care. If needed, we will collaborate with your pediatric provider to establish a plan of care during the first week of life. For babies born at BBHH, our midwives provide:

    • Immediate newborn care and resuscitation as needed

    • 24-48 hour home visit

    • 1 week visit in clinic

    • Lactation/infant feeding support

    • Routine newborn screenings including CCHD Screening, 2-part metabolic screening, and hearing screening

    • Weight checks as needed

    • Lab draws including blood type and bilirubin levels as needed

  • We strongly encourage clients to take advantage of the following additional services, many of which are covered by insurance depending on individual plans.

    • Prenatal mental wellness assessment with in-house psychotherapist

    • Prenatal acupuncture support: recommended minimum once per trimester, and more frequently as needed

    • Prenatal lactation visit with in-house IBCLC, especially encouraged for first time families and for families who experienced difficulty with infant feeding in the past

    • Postpartum lactation home visit day 3-5 after birth

    • Postpartum mental wellness assessment between 3-6 weeks postpartum with in-house psychotherapist

  • BBHH clients receive access to:

    • Online portal where you can access your health records (coming soon!)

    • Our fully customized, exclusive educational smartphone app

    • 14-day pregnancy fitness program specifically curated for BBHH clients in collaboration with The Bloom Method

    • Generous discount off any photography package with renowned birth photographers Monet Nicole or Lindsey Eden

Eligibility Criteria

The safety of an out-of-hospital birth center model, which provides care for healthy people experiencing healthy pregnancies, is insured by accurate risk assessment. As a result, some will not qualify for care at our facility, or will develop conditions that will lead to the recommendation to have a hospital birth. In these cases, we will have open and honest discussions with clients as complications arise and will help facilitate the selection of and transfer to a hospital-based provider. We welcome families to return back to our care postpartum.

If you are unsure if you qualify for care, contact us to have your records reviewed by a staff midwife to determine appropriateness for out-of-hospital care.

The following conditions are not eligible for care at BBHH:

  • Pregnancy with more than one fetus

  • History of 5 or more births

  • Significant medical condition outside scope of midwifery care

  • Chronic hypertension

  • BMI greater than 40

  • VBACs will be considered on a case by case basis

Our Midwives

  • Our midwife team consists of Certified Nurse Midwives (CNMs) and Certified Professional Midwives (CPMs).

  • CNMs are Registered Nurses who have gone on to complete a Master’s degree in midwifery.

  • CPMs are specifically trained in the art of out-of-hospital midwifery.

  • Both are skilled in overseeing normal, healthy pregnancies and are licensed to practice midwifery by the State of Colorado.

Schedule a Tour or Establish Care, Today